House Washing

Low-Pressure Washing for That Clean Home Feeling

With Coastal Pressure Washing in Jacksonville, FL, the experience you receive is everything to us. We aim to provide a lasting impression in our service and the little details you will notice once you’ve received our house washing service. Using low pressure and a specially mixed soap, we remove black mold from your concrete, green mildew and algae growing around your home, dirt, cobwebs, or pest nests hanging around. Our knowledgeable crew will be sure to leave your home looking brand new.

Pressure Washing vs. Soft Washing

Pressure Washing

Pressure washing uses forced water to remove dirt and contaminants from your home’s surface. These risks cause damage to the surface of your home and other issues that can arise later on. Pressure washing also uses a large amount of water. Along with causing deterioration and using large amounts of time and water, pressure also causes damage to your windows. Fogging and condensation build up inside from water being forced behind a window seal and compromise the longevity of the glass.

Soft Washing

Soft washing does the opposite. Soft washing uses a specific mixture of biodegradable commercial-grade cleaners and water that are then lightly applied to the surface of your home, roof, and other applications. We then use large amounts of water to softly rinse the surface of your home and remove all of our soap residue, dirt, and grime. This ensures we leave a clean, shining home with your plants protected.

Reasons to Soft Wash Your Home

  • Safe for all surfaces: Stucco, brick, vinyl, wood, stone, shingle roof, and tile roof.
  • Protects your surfaces: Pressure takes time away from the finishes around your home.
  • Attacks the problem: Safely removes buildup around your home and on your roof, kills the root, and results in a longer clean.
  • Safe: Our soapy solution only affects what we need it to. We protect your plants, windows, and property, leaving high pressure in the corners and disinfecting your home.

Brighten Up Your Home With Window Washing Service

It’s nice to wake up and look out your window at a clear sky to start your day. Has your view been obstructed? Let Coastal Pressure Washing fix that. Using hand-held, professional tools and a soapy solution, we leave your windows looking clear. Cleaning your windows helps to prevent calcium buildup and organic growth from forming on the windowpanes. We also offer window washing as a more frequent option. Locations like the beach and heavily wooded areas tend to gain more growth and deposits on the glass. We can return to your home multiple times a year to keep the windows looking perfect.


For more information about our house and window washing services or to schedule a free estimate, call us at 904-347-6336.

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